Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Slow Progress

I'm making progress.  It's slow, but despite my apparent best efforts at self-sabotage, I'm still making progress.

I love my plan.  In fact, it's a testament to how awesome my plan is that I am still seeing results by only sticking to it 60-70% for the past week.  I can give you a long list of excuses as to why I haven't been 100% compliant, but it doesn't matter.  In the end they are still just excuses. 

The good:  Cardio.  Yeah, I know.  No one is more amazed by my cardio than me.  Since I started this plan I have only missed one morning since Christmas.  Every damn day I am on that bike. Even when the temperature is -20 I am at the gym by 5 a.m. and SMILING and being friendly to people.  WTF? People who know me are shocked by it, but I am actually really enjoying it.  

The diet.  It's awesome.  It's well balanced. There is plenty of food.  Tons of food.  Some days I have a tough time even eating it all.  The only problem is my crappy willpower and poor planning. I deviate from my diet when I don't have my meals prepped.  I deviate from my diet when I'm over tired and I deviate from my diet when I am stressed.  Last week I had a couple nights with very little sleep.  I was stressed over my sick dog and I had PMS.  I gave in to off-plan food way too often.  Blah blah blah excuses.  I need to stick to the diet and that is that.

Weights.  My weight training has been shaken up quite a bit.  I didn't realize how badly I needed to change things until I got the new lifting plan last week.  I have had to let my ego go and drop the weights to increase the reps.  It's very different for me, but I think it's exactly what I need right now.  It's very tough, but in a different way than I am used to.  I missed two days entirely (insert more lame excuses) and had to train at home once.  

The bad: Abs.  This is definitely an issue.  All I can say is, "I suck."  I am not doing nearly as much ab work as my plan calls for.  Historically it's the area that I kind of slack on.  In fact, it was pretty rare for me to do any direct ab work at all.  I remember once, years ago, someone in the gym complimenting me on my great abs.  I guess I need to get my shit together here and see if I can find them again.

So, no more excuses.  My plan is awesome and I know that my results will be equally as awesome if I am compliant. The past few days at 100% I have felt great.  Very sore, but great.  I am determined to keep it up.

Curious about my coach, training or other stuff?
Here's a link to my trainer, Coco Kissack, on Facebook

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