Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Works For Me.

I have spent the past couple of weeks doing a lot of thinking, very little training and lots of eating.  I have decided not to do the show in April.  I may do one later this season, but I still haven't decided.

The plan that I have been on for the past six weeks was not the right plan for me, so I have stopped.  

Here's the deal.  I've been bodybuilding for over 20 years.  There have been times where everything was on track, I looked great and I was happy.  There have been times when that wasn't the case.  I have done restrictive diets where I dropped weight quickly, but it wasn't sustainable.  I have been a "Cardio Bunny" and gained weight. I have gone vegan and not only lost weight, but lost tons of muscle and developed health problems.  I have been strong but fat.  I have been strong and lean.  I've tried it all and here's what I know to be true:  There are no shortcuts.

I know my body.  I know what works for me.  The only difficulty I have is lack of patience.

When I eat smart and lift heavy I get results.  Really great results, actually.  But it takes time.  I get frustrated.  I get impatient and I decide I need to do something to speed things up.  Let me tell you something:

This never works.  

My body doesn't respond well to lots of cardio, so spending an hour on the treadmill is not the answer for me.  HIIT a couple times a week works best.

My body doesn't respond well to low calorie diets.  I may initially lose fat, but I also will lose muscle and eventually gain all the fat back.  And then some.  

My body doesn't respond well to light weights for high reps.  I want muscles.  Big muscles.  Light weights aren't going to get me to my goal.

I need to eat fat.  Low fat diets put me in starvation mode and make me crave junk.  If I don't get enough healthy fats my skin starts to get very dry and my hands will actually start to develop really painful, deep cracks.

I can't have sugar.  For many reasons.  Not the least of which are common yeast infections and hypoglycemia.  My body is much happier if I don't have sugar.

Meat is good.  It just is.  Lots of protein, healthy fats and it tastes good.  I need to eat it.

Having said that, I am a foodie.  I love to eat.  I love to cook.  I need a flexible diet where I can eat foods that I enjoy.  IIFYM works best for me.

I don't enjoy working out in a group setting.  Classes really aren't my thing.  

I don't like being told what to do.  Trainers aren't my thing either.

February is always a very difficult month for me.  I get depressed, I hate being cold and often I dont even want to leave the house.  This is not the month for me to be strict with my diet and training because it's just not going to happen.  Then I fail and end up even more depressed.

So, where does that leave me?

I gave myself a break until the end of February.  No strict dieting and only training when I really feel like it.  No pressure to get to the gym every day.  No tracking macros.  

I took some time to re-assess my training and diet and wrote up a new plan.  Not surprisingly, it's actually almost identical to several plans I've done in the past.  I go back to these basics because they work for me.  I get results.  I look good, I feel good and I'm healthy and happy.  This is where I need to be right now, not dieting down, doing tons of cardio and spending a few months being miserable just so I can look good on stage before I rebound and gain a bunch of fat.  Then start the whole cycle over again.

I will do this the right way, so I can get lean and healthy and STAY lean and healthy.  I will be patient and consistent.

I will be happy.

My new plan starts March 1.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The past two weeks have been rough.  After my last bi-weekly I had a reality check: Either stick to the plan, or find a later show.  Well, I stuck to the plan 100% for a week.  Lost a little. The second week wasn't as good, but still I was mostly on track.  Still, I am not seeing the results I want.  

Granted, I could be more compliant, but here is what I keep thinking:  I am still eating below maintenance.  I am not bingeing. I am doing a ton more cardio than I have ever done before.  Those 3 factors alone should be enough to get those numbers going down, but for some reason it isn't happening.  I don't think it's metabolic damage, but I guess it's possible.  Still, I was at maintenance for a few months before I started this plan, so I should have had time for things to balance out.  Either way, something needs changing.

Training.  Well, I'm not liking it.  Anyone that knows me knows that I really don't like cardio and I love to lift heavy.  The past 2 months I have done cardio every single morning and I have even started enjoying it and looking forward to my morning cardio sessions.  The lifting is not going well, though.  I mentioned this before, but this plan has forced me to lower the weights quite a bit in order to perform the very high number of reps ( 30, 50, 100 or more)  It's quite a change since, before this plan, "high reps" for me meant 10-12, with most of my lifting being in the 5-8 rep range. I am to the point that I no longer look forward to my lifting sessions.  In fact, I am starting to kind of dread them.  Lifting is my favorite pastime and something that I truly enjoy doing to feel strong, release stress and just feel good.  Right now I don't feel strong at all.  I'm worried that I'm losing strength and muscle. I need to change this.  Now.  

Yes, I want to have a rockin' hard body again, but I don't want to be miserable in order to get there.  If changing things up means that I can't do a show in April then I'm fine with that.  Maybe I'm not a person who should aspire to get on stage.  Maybe prepping for a comp is just going to trigger all kinds of fucked up things like a messed up metabolism, rebound, eating disorder, etc.  

Right now I'm just in a rough place and not sure which way to go.  I'm hoping to get a chance to talk with my coach soon about all of this and see what path she thinks we should take.  This is a huge part of my life and if I'm not enjoying the process then it just isn't worth it.

Curious about my coach, training or other stuff?

Check out my trainer, Coco Kissack, on Facebook